Drag Four Semi Cleaver Propeller

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Regular price $799.00
Hub Kit
14 1/2 Diameter Available Pitch: 20 , 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 Choose your pitch at checkout!

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Timothy Hayes
Drag 4 Prop

I will have to say shipping was very fast. Once I got it out the box, I was surprised with the quality and craftsmanship of the prop. I can’t wait to make a few passes with it on my STV Euro

Allison xb2003 w/ 225 promax drag 4

Delivery was prompt, prop was polished to a high sheen. Looked very promising out of the box. Tested on boat with light load. Ran 85 mph at 6800 rpm. My prop shaft is even with bottom of the boat and slip was in the 11% range. Will lower engine and try again. Holeshot was very similar to my eagle 3 and my et cut chopper. Cruise was pretty good and would carry the bow. I prefer 4 blade as it makes cruising smoother with less blade vibration in boat. Overall good prop for out of the box, especially for the money. I’m talking to my phone. I’m doing a review. May end up sending out to get some cup added and blades sharpened.

Terry Scogins

I haven’t got to try it out yet. Ran into problems with my steering. I’m about to purchase a seastar pro hydraulic kit next week and hopefully be back on the water soon.

Kurt Bowman

Awesome people The owner Ron Hill actually took my order and we visited for at least a half hour talking old racing stories .Hands on good people got my new prop in 3 days from California i live in Michigan so i was impressed the quality was impeccable price was great also i got a follow up call the next day. This is the way to run a business thanks again Kurt from Michigan

Wrong type of prop.

Had to return for an exchange a different style of prop. Waiting on the new prop.